There are moments in life where suddenly, out of the blue, we feel different, look a little different in a good way, finding ourselves able to effortlessly do something that seemed to be beyond reach just a moment ago… feeling that the world is at our fingertips…

Hey, wait a moment. What just happened?

The Leap essence comes to life when we make an irrevocable decision to release ourselves from the stranglehold of history. Letting go of dead weights that slow us down or entirely derail us from realising our human greatness.

Its vibrancy is in the air. New talents are appearing out of thin air in remarkable ways. So are the non-linear leaps in new self-awareness, new technologies, and new occupations. We are in the early beginnings of an era of thrilling, mind boggling unlocking of new possibilities, available to whoever creates the space for it to happen in their life. Hopefully, the 21st century does not destroy itself before a critical mass scenario of positive change takes hold in the world we live in.

Here are a couple of complementary leap catalysts:

Shedding dead weight

Do you have a bit of luggage somewhere in you that is slowing you down or preventing you from discovering your true calling? Mental, psychological, or emotional drag factors have countless cloaks: Toxic relationships, old ideas, arresting habits, misplaced self-views, items at home that either have no purpose or no longer serve a clear purpose, irrational concerns, outfits that do not complement our self-location…

Anything that lives has an electro-magnetism dimension. ‘Weed electro-magnetisms’ feed upon us from the inside by keeping us magnetized to their voracious appetite. Letting go is an act of overcoming the magnetism of something, by connecting to the finer, disinfecting forces of a greater cause.

Let it go, one by one, and stop thinking about it. Thinking is energizing. When we do not think about something we starve it, thereby making it to fade away.

It’s a gradient

To be sure, letting go is a gradient. Letting go of some things is an easier act and process than that of others. As many of us know, letting go of the memories and experiences of traumatic events has its challenges. It is a process that calls for clear reasoning, willpower, and a developing ability to be anchored in the bigger picture of the human possibility, leading to forming a self-healing mindset, and attraction of regenerative forces into the process.

Letting the future in

The way to stop thinking about something is by being focused on what we want. Otherwise, a mental vacuum is created into which anything can flow.

Do you know what you want with resolute clarity? Is it time for an update?


Ask yourself: What is important and why? Note that the question is not: What is important to me and why? But: What is important and why? Give it time. Let it ferment. Turn it in your mind. Approach it in different ways: Fast, slow, deep, shallow, one time seriously, and the next with lightness and humour. Stir up exploring conversations with those who may be on the same process wavelength. Follow-on with the question: “If I think that this and that is important, how does it reflect in how I live my life?”

It is one of those questions that never grows old.

There is more to this, including leaps of faith. Hopefully this Fulcrum Insight helps in the process of creating a home for it in oneself.

With best wishes,


World Copyright 2024 © David Gommé

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