The Fulcrum Insights

The quest for living new spiritual dimensions

David’s life pursuit revolves around exploring the spiritual dimensions of living.

Portrait of David Gommé exploring the spiritual dimensions of living

David Gommé

Facilitating engaging explorations into the incredible range and scope of the human possibility

David is an independent consultant, based in Germany, operating globally. David’s life pursuit revolves around exploring the spiritual dimensions of living, what it means to be human, the scope of the human possibility, and understanding the nature of radical change that is engulfing the world and planet earth. This never-ending live research places great emphasis on developing the natural perception, detection, observational, and self-awareness capacities that we are born with.  

One of the outcomes of this work manifest in three decades of experience in facilitating hands-on explorations into the unlimited human possibility; in ways that encourage the integration of uncommon insights into the realms of being and doing.

The Fulcrum Insights ‑ his free written/podcasting periodical – is widely read/listened to across the globe.

David can be reached at:

+49 159 0135 15 65