The Power of Hope

The harmonies of stillness

The 1st of January is a special day. Not just because it is the first day of a new year. You likely felt the quietness and stillness present throughout the day, with the longing for it to not pass, to have more of its kind. But alas, the energies summoned by the stillness, there to be picked up on the day, dissolve as we make our steps into the new year, with the world churning on in its ‘headless chicken like’ dance into an increasingly uncertain future.

The stillness and energies present on the 1st of January magnify the presence of the spirit of hope, which is one of the most potent qualities present in human affairs throughout the ages. The hope for a better future, the hope for a better world, the hope for positive change…

A world lost in translation

The challenge for the world on the 1st of January is that it has no idea what to do with these energies. We have a quiet day off if we are fortunate enough to reside in a part of the world that makes this possible. How can we create more space for these atmospheres? Because high presences cannot tolerate the coarseness of the 21st century – they may only turn up when it is on ‘airplane mode’.

How important is it for the world to create a global presence of fine atmospheres, of the kind that constitutes a welcoming ecology for the future, that at this time can only oose into human cognisance in limited fashion? It requires a mindset transformation, and new behavioural sciences that lie beyond the frenzy of the 21st century.

The hope beyond the insanity

And yet, there is hope in the air. While the broken moral fabric of the old world continues to degrade beyond repair, the hope lies in the creation of a new world that is so radically different than the one we know, now calling for the search for new ways of using language to just begin to appreciate the shimmering brilliance and mind boggling wonders that lie in store, in the making of our collective future and those yet to come. Because if we do not engage in processes that create access to the future in its organically unfolding manner – not human invention – future generations may end up slaves to the Gods of the toxic mix of hi-tech craze that is a law unto itself.

Note: ‘Toxic mix’ because modern technology is a mix of good, great, and outright evil, with no filtering mechanisms and governing ethics.

Real, organic change cannot be engineered by self-centred, intellectually brilliant insanity that makes it its business to misuse the natural laws of the universe for the sake of personalised agendas; generating ‘solutions’ that can only accomplish one thing: Accelerate the rate of decay of the 21st century.  

Change awareness

To begin with, we need to admit that individually and collectively, we only perceive minute segments of the fact that change is not an isolated event local to planet Earth but a universal event in progress. And within this flow, a progressive change in the electro-magnetisms of the human arrangement, and all life on planet Earth. One of the tasks is to develop the detective capability of separating the wheat from the chaff – the symptoms that belong with the evolutionary change, from those caused by other events.

To make this tangible, let’s highlight a couple of examples.

The technological revolution

Mobile devices, quantum computers, AI, nano-technology – all are symptoms of the expansion of the human’s creative capacity applied into the material worlds. So much so, that the higher end of this capacity – the spiritual dimensions – is woefully neglected. You see, it has no economic value for the 21st century, as well as being a threat to the powers to be. So, it is a niche kind of process, missing out on the incredible possibilities awaiting discovery in the spiritual realms, such as the natural capacity of the human to engage in developmental processes leading to high levels of personal refinement.

Does the prospect of high levels of personal refinement mean anything to those running amuck with projects burning out the natural resources of planet Earth without taking the trouble to discover what these resources are for in their natural context in the first place?

The younger generation

The other day I had a conversation with a teacher holding senior teaching positions in both elementary and high school education, asking him what stands out to him regarding the behavioural patterns of the younger generation. His answer: They seem to be far more inclined towards teamwork than older generations, with less focus on the individual and a greater focus on teamwork. What is your experience in this regard? Would you confirm this behavioural pattern?

Because the future calls for new forms of collaboration. Not in the sense of socialism, but out from an intuitive perception that within the magnitude of an evolutionary tidal wave of new emerging realities and possibilities, no-one can know or do it all. No one mind can decide for the whole. A new form of intelligence seems to be in play, enabling people to work and create by sharing their unique best, where the collective focus is intuitively aligned to and centred on a greater cause, instinctively refusing ideas and behaviours that veer away from it.

With each person feeling the presence of its light in their lives. One either feels it or not – it is incommunicable to those who don’t, but easily transferrable to those who are open and looking for it.

The intelligence of hope

Hope has its own intelligence. Hope not as ‘ala hopefull’, not as ‘hopium’, but hope that has real substance, born of the deep conviction and knowing that things can be changed for the better, that there is a lighted way forward, that there is a spectrum of incredible possibilities awaiting to be explored and discovered.

And it seems to now be shining brighter than ever, having its agency in the core of our being.

The rest is a matter of human choice.

With best wishes,


World Copyright©David Gommé 2025

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