The 101 Most Influential Person

‘Time’ magazine recently published its list of who – to the perception of its authors – are the 100 most influential individuals in world affairs in 2014. A mix of anything from the well intending to one or two who are, to all intents and purposes, accomplished executioners; thereby magnifying the depth of confusion that exists in the 21st century.

Who’s world?

The first question that comes to mind is: What exactly is meant by “world”? Is it the world of tabloids? Recklessness and brutality? Powerfull interest groups? Intoxicated emotions? Human genius? The world of technology driven and mass attention deficit disorders, and inability to focus on any one thing for more than 20 seconds? The world of spiritual enlightenment? Which one of them? An impossible mix of all together and more?

The 101

Let’s add one more person to make it 101. Although it’s about one more, it’s really about the unknown many, some anonymous that may stay that way forever, who, by their unassuming ways, attitude, inner cleanliness, depth of belief, constancy, and consistency of decent ways, make a feel-able difference. These are most of the true unsung heroes of the world we live in, and it has always been so.

And you, dear reader, may well be one of them.

What is the criteria for ‘most influential?’

Here is a simple way to find out: Who of the 100 list – if you happened to have read through it – do you consider influential in your life? I don’t know about you, but I would not let the influence of some of them anywhere near my life. And anyway, the way that influential people are related to magnifies the degree of ignorance that exists about the dynamics of influence because influence is a power that mostly flows through a person, not from a person.

So, it’s not “who is the most influential” but rather “what is the most influential”. The difference between ‘what’ and the ‘who’ is magnitudinal.

The ‘What’ Governs the ‘Who’

What we are has a far greater impact in and around ourselves than who we are. It’s the story of the NASA cleaning man who was asked by a TV reporter what it is like to be a cleaner in such an establishment. His reply was “I am part of the team that sends people to the moon”, demonstrating the attitude of the ‘what’ in the person rather than the ‘who’.

We are spiritual beings

Humans are spiritual beings, naturally connected to a universe of teaming energies of many different orders. What we are attract energies and powers that are ‘same-same’ to our inner power formations. It’s the qualities, values and attitudes that come to be in our lives – the driving powers of the reasons why we do what we do – that make us what we are.

Big fish in a small pond or small fish in an ocean?

With no exception, all world tyrants, past and present, are big fish in tiny little ponds that they create – or get passed over by someone that did – to sustain the rule of that which they are possessed by. While what happens in these tiny ponds radically impacts the lives of many, they are meaningless to the bigger picture of human destiny. When something that is not meant to be comes to be, it goes out at some point with a whimper.

Connected ponds

An individual human can constitute one’s own, connected tiny little pond. And here is a little riddle: The smaller we are – in the context of humility in the face of the miracle of life – the greater our inner potency, growth, and evolution potential as an individual and as leaders to others.

The ‘Who’ Is Obvious; The ‘What’ Is Hidden

People mostly know each other far more by who they are than by what they are. What we do is readily connected to the who: “I am an entrepreneur”. The reason why we do what you do is connected to what we are: Do I genuinely work towards constructive ends or is my life governed by self-interest?

The ‘what’ anchors the reason; the ‘who’ is known by the action.

The human media

Human life is made to be a conscious media to channel influences into our lives, and through that, into the world. This perspective points to one of the greatest studies of all: The unseen energy worlds and their untold impact on humanity throughout history, at all levels.

The Human Choice

What influence do I want my life to be a vehicle to? What will I banish from my inner spheres of influence? A resolute person becomes an anchor point, and also a point of appearance for high forces, thereby generating unseen vibes that positively influence the world around them in the most unlikely ways.

Like a Baton

In these new times of radical change, influence is a bit like a baton that gets passed over, arching between people across the globe. Attributing it to identities is to miss out on the fact that new awakening influences are now appearing through those whose lives are in harmony with the nature of the evolutionary tidal wave that is in progress.

And where the many ‘101 person’ are gates to the most powerfully futuristic influences in world affairs, for those that have the mind to know, and eyes to witness.

A no-name star need not be on someone’s A-list for it to shine bright

With best wishes,

David Gommé

World Copyright 2024© David Gommé

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