Am I a Natural born Leader?

The First Commandment of Leadership

The first commandment of leadership is:

Let the purpose lead.

Leadership is a service industry to facilitate progress, change and evolution. With as little ego as possible, where it is never about who is leading but what is leading. The primary inner focus of a leader is not on leading people but on perceiving, translating, and communicating. The safety of true leadership is that it arises in response to a genuine need and never as a personal ambition.

The truly great leaders in world history had high purpose perception to then be purpose driven; deeply moved to serve what they believed in. Being intimately close to themselves and open to what was needed, they were able and willing to empower others with no reserve, fear or favor.

Humans are blessed with the gift of choice. Leadership is the crucible of big thinking, small actions. By what we believe in, we can choose to live the kind of life that makes the world around us a better place to be in.

Don’t be timid about joining a great purpose. It is never about doing it on your own – collaborating is the way. Leadership greatness is no less a mindset, an attitude, a state of being, than it is about the doing. Destiny has its mysterious ways of connecting people who know what they want in a same-same way.

Giving rise to directive questions:

  • What is my purpose?
  • What do I want – for the short and longer term?
  • What do I perceive my situation to be?
  • What is important?
  • What ideas are worth pursuing?
  • Who is best at doing what?
  • What are the needs?
  • How can we make it work together?

Driven people who share the same purpose form conductive networks even if they may not know each other personally

With best wishes,
World Copyright 2014 © David Gommé

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