When a person speaks, we hear that which is spoken. Yet, the unspoken quite often screams louder than words through a person’s radiation and body language.
When you listen, which of the above gets more of your attention – the spoken or unspoken?
Several factors merge to determine a person’s listening capacity. Let’s focus on one key factor: Inner balance, and specifically a person’s doing – being balances.
The natural ‘factory settings’ of a human being is that of a fluid, forever alternating, even balance between the doing and being inner energy fields. At core, ‘work-life balance’ is about creating the space for the being lives to have their rightful expression, develop and evolve, next to the doing, result-driven dimension.
The world we live in is hell-bent on the doing dimension. People are mostly evaluated by their problem-solving – or, problem generating – abilities than by their quality of being. So much so that the natural 50:50 ‘factory setting’ – that would dynamically keep balancing itself out within the ebbs and flows of living – is completely out of tune. Instead, it has become something to the tune of 90% doing and 10% being. We are witnessing the harsh consequences of this all around us.
The act of listening tasks us to not lose touch with the being life that naturally lends itself to a deeper feeling-guided sensory and extra-sensory perception. Those locked in doing pitch habits simply won’t be able to listen properly. And there are a few billion of these walking the earth as you read this Fulcrum episode. So, people miss out on so much that they really shouldn’t.
There is of course more to the process of developing one’s listening capacity: Genuine empathy with other people’s struggle; a love of learning; a fascination with the human uniqueness… Each one of us is utterly unique and so is their point of view, creative capacity, the love of creating for others the precious experience of being received, listening to the subtle vibes of the natural worlds…
“How do I go about returning my systems back to the natural doing-being balance?” The first step is becoming aware of the degree that one – and most people around oneself – is out of balance and how this affects one’s thought and behaviour. When a person achieves a heightened state of self-awareness it naturally points them to the next step in this immensely rewarding journey.
When a person is unable to listen properly it adversely affects their decision-making
With best wishes,
David Gommé
World Copyright 2018© David Gommé