Bullies and bullying have been part of the world stage throughout history. There is no human alive who has not experienced being at either side of the bully equation. The anguish suffered by people of all ages, from the young to the elderly, is one of the never-ending tragic consequences of this phenomenon. Each and his/her story.
Bullying has a vast range of expressions: Cross-gender behaviour; senior-junior / weak-strong dynamics; power games; abuse of position and authority; the inherent cruelty of mental bullying; its rife manifestation through social networks… in the bigger picture, nations bullying nations.
Amongst the worst, and most damaging – to the point of suicide – forms of bullying is youngsters bullying each other at schools, which is the last thing that should be allowed to happen in establishments concerned with human enlightenment.
Those experiencing bullying know there is no easy way forward. But self-location greatly helps to deal with the problem, which is what this Fulcrum Insight is about, and it comes in five parts:
Part one: The Historical Breeding Ground
Part two: Future Trends
Part three: The Bully Profile
Part four: The Key
Part five: Being in One’s Element
How did bullying come to be in the first place?
To understand the why and the how, we need to shine the spotlight upon the rainbow-like range of vibrations that power human existence. These vibrations have low and high, coarser, and finer aspects. There is a red end that runs deep into the physical-robotic aspects of life, and a violet end that is a gateway to the evolutionary dimensions.
The red end
When we deal into the red end, our contemplation revolves around things such as action, results, tangible outcomes, performance, practical skills, power, the carnal aspects, physical strength, doing, combat, demonstration…
Red has a high and a low end. The high-end manifest in a magnificent range of doing abilities that we absolutely cannot do without. The low end is home to the worst forms of perversion and cruelty. Because doing without proper reasoning ends up doing just because one can do, and this can be anything, such as the attitude of ‘if I cannot have it, I will destroy it,’ and so much more of this kind.
The violet end
When our contemplation veers towards the violet end, it points to the considerations of purpose, mission, the fine, deep, and profound aspects of living, the arising of world religions in their purity, the intangible aspects of living…
The red possession
In short, bullying is an outcome of becoming possessed by the low end of red; where those who fall prey to the nature of powers and energies that occupy the lower red wavelength live the consequence of having become disconnected, by degree, from their human core, and in turn, possessed by something which is lower than human.
The core
The human core is a magnificent spiritually loaded, ever evolving compound, anchoring qualities and natural abilities that give rise to deep feelings and special sensitivities. A connected feeling human would not be able to inflict mental or physical punishment upon another – it would be too personally painful to do so. When a person abdicates from one’s human core, there are a multitude of low forces that can be sucked in – consider that everything that lives in the natural worlds is powered by an unseen presence, and that a human, being an open-ended evolutionary building site, can connect to anything that exists. This is a matter of human choice.
The red power virus
So, an unseen animal-natured power virus can invade people’s mentation, to both continue to evolve, and cause them to harbour behavioural traits that should have never been allowed access to the human domain in the first place.
What then happens is that either shear physical superiority, coupled with a non-human entity possessing a human, have their way with the person or a whole nation.
In the universe, everything eats – the high and the low. At the red end, the predator eats the prey both figuratively and at a different level, and in cunning ways, energetically.
The history of red possession metastases throughout the ages – from Cain and Abel, all the way to your personal experiences.
Human beings are endowed with an astounding spectrum of strengths; from the brute physical, to the invincible spiritual. Each, with its unique vibes and leverage.
There is a saying in the worlds of combat: It is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog, stoked by the nature and quality of its spirit.
Change is in the air
Red power – residing at the lowest end of the scale of human capability – dominates the 21st century. This is now quietly changing. Being at its early beginnings, the change is primarily internal, brewing and stirring in individuals and networks across the world. As momentum build up, it may hopefully lead to a critical mass event. What being alluded to is the radical shift from a red accented to eventually, a violet accented world.
What would lead to the red demise? The future is now entering through the feminine vector, engendering a shift in the balance of power in the masculine / feminine worlds. Imagine a world led by a new human equation vastly more mindful and respectful of the natural balances between the two genders, inter-human feelings, and the sanctity of human life.
Let us be honest: We all have a little bully living in us. It is impossible to grow up in a red accented world without being genetically imprinted by its ways. The question being: What is the ruling majority in an individual. Here, there is as big a variety as there are people on earth.
However, we can run a line through humanity, to delineate two groupings: Those whose human core is their centre of gravity, and those whose centre of gravity is elsewhere.
The deeper the disconnection and subsequently, the formation of lesser than human, animal-level bully habits, the bigger the problem. Imagine a pack of wolves in charge of an entire nation, as is the case in parts of the world we live in.
The bully profile
Most bullies share the following fundamental traits, by degree:
- From an energy quality perspective, they live at the bottom of the food chain. At some point, their body and state of being bear the grim consequences of the coarseness of their inner processes.
- Low self-awareness: A bully is first and foremost a bully of one’s own self, leading to a state of self-oppression and shutdown of self-awareness, and natural the sensitivities that live at the heart of being human.
- At distance and disconnected from oneself.
- In the throes of red, they slide to a nine-year-old juvenile delinquents’ level of thinking and behaviour; clothed in a deceptive adult display of self-importance.
- They are inherently weak and constantly on-guard. When all a person can muster in life is a hard edge, it is evidence of a person’s inability to access the soft side of life, which hosts the greatest strengths. As an example, being vulnerable to the quality and practices of humility is a sign of great inner strength.
- Bullies can only thrive when they are able to instill in others their prime weapon: Fear. When this single element is neutralised, the bully is no more.
Easily said than done, the key to dealing with bullying is in learning to occupy and stay firmly anchored in the high ground of oneself. To not give in to fear and to learn to say ‘no’ by stance, radiation, and behavioural innovation, in a way that radiates “mess with me at your peril”.
The intelligence and natural wisdom that this inner stance summons at the point empowers one’s inner guide in navigating the way forward.
Because they feed of people’s fears, whenever possible the way to deal with bullying is to first and foremost ignore them so as to not be their feeding point. When you know you are dealing with a weak person – even if they act otherwise – and you do not give up this awareness when encountering one, it lets the sub-conscious of the other person know that you know. Those who have not completely lost the way will reconsider and step back from you.
Next to the above there are countless ways and means to handle bullying. Nevertheless, they all revolve around the highlighted key, without which no technique will ever prove effective.
There are ways to help children in schools in this process, not gone into here. You can reach out to me for a conversation about this at: david@thefulcrum.global
How to handle world stage, inter-nation or inter-cultural bullying? Again, the first and most crucial step is in occupying the high ground of human process, thereby creating the space for higher intelligence to guide us forward. This may come across to be intangible but is nevertheless vital to path-finding remedial ways forward.
Each one of us is endowed with a unique blend of strengths. When in our element, we can achieve the impossible. From the realms of inter-personal dealings to the realms of thrilling breakthroughs.
Being in one’s element is a birthplace of all manner of natural arts, skills, and bahavioural innovations that can stop bullies in their tracks. Formal education systems do not teach children what they need to know and practice for them to be in their element, which can save them a great deal of aggravation and stress, which helping them to find their way in the maze of living.
There is much more to this subject in the way of handling bullies technologies and forms of behaviour. This issue of the Fulcrum focuses on important fundamentals.
With best wishes,
David Gommé
22 October 2014
World Copyright 2024© David Gommé
Thank you, very timely to my life. And these times.