Prenote: This no holding back Fulcrum Insight aims to raise awareness to an overriding event in progress that is profoundly shaping our lives, and the future of the world we live in.

We live in times of radical change, marked by transition between two eras, to which there can be assigned many names: The old, slow era, and the new, fast era; the old, masculine-natured era, and the new, feminine-natured era; the old era of dominance, and the new era of liberation; the old era of establishment, and the new era of new reasoning…

How we feel, and what we find ourselves thinking about, is influenced, and shaped by where we are in the process and perception gradient:

The diagram above is hugely simplified. What is most important is to be located somewhere at the higher end – the zone surrounding its point of appearance. Bearing in mind that human evolution does not stand still, with its relentless moving currency.

How do I locate myself at the higher end? We have in us everything that is needed in place from birth to intuitively navigate our way to the higher end. It is in the air, powerfully present. The task is to work through the resistance of the world around us, as well as that which is present in us. Bearing in mind that the 21st century’s self-serving mindset is programmed to maintaining the status quo, because the prospects of an unfolding future that it cannot control is a threat to its continuance, regardless of how bright and hopeful that future it may be.

The universe is teeming with energies

Our perception of the universe primarily revolves around its seen dimensions – the heavenly bodies – which is a fraction of the unseen fields of energy, domains, and causing realms of no beginning and no end that make up its incomprehensible infinite whole.

The 21st century is obsessed with the material worlds, which is why the actuality, significance, and workings of the unseen worlds evades its consciousness. The universe’s causing realms are unseen, manifesting into states of resonance that give rise to and influence the material worlds. Human evolution is an unseen worlds event in progress. The universal evolutionary impulse, originating from its causing realms, manifests in its most meaningful ways through the fertile grounds of human process. So, the nature of process we are in determines whether it is harmonious or not with the currency of evolution’s state of resonance, thereby determining what it attracts from the unseen worlds – high or low.

Something is turning the evolutionary dial

Let’s return for a moment to the second diagram above, noting that it represents not a static, but a highly dynamic, moving scenario, because the forces that are loading both the high and low end are on a constant, non-linear intensification trajectory. The evolving outcome is a world experiencing states of growing energetic intoxication because it’s behavior is evidence to the fact that it is unable to contain and properly handle what is now appearing. In lacking the proper guidance, and process to be in, it is wasteful, expending a rare window of opportunity by abdicating from the pursuit of deeper meanings and a unifying greater purpose.

World governments do not seem to be interested in the higher end of the human opportunity, but many individuals and groups do, consciously or intuitively, and are applying this driving awareness into their affairs and fields of influence.  

The king is naked

The new era’s high force energizing of human process is, bit by bit, dissolving and blowing away the artificial covers of the unreal, while profoundly enhancing the real, readily exposing the truths powering human thought and action, from low to high. Can you detect this developing trend?

The magic of new beginnings

You may have taken notice of yet one more trend that is symptomatic of what is happening, which is a haunting search for new beginnings, and within this, the need to separate between the old and the new, the real and the unreal – in ourselves. Because amongst other things, the mixture of new and old can be a confusing experience, which is why being aware of and focused on the new is so important.

New times present new opportunities, of new self-discovery, and self-realization, and for some, new opportunities to find ways to serve a cause greater than themselves. Here is a wonderful, symptomatic little anecdote: A close relative who is 82 years of age, woke up one morning with an impulse to delve into a form of art that was previously not part of his life in any way; where he is now producing astonishing original art that may easily qualify to be displayed at a high-end gallery. Just like that, out of the blue, with no previous training. In amongst many things, age is just a number in the flow of the new era. It then becomes a matter of self-belief and self-liberation.

Think for a moment about what you really, really want. Don’t let anything or anyone weaken your vision and resolve. The new era works through each one of us in new, magical ways. There is no middleman/woman in this process. It is between each one of us and what we constructively believe in.

The extreme versus the subtle

There is a whole spectrum of old era skills and capabilities that require expending a great deal of energy to get a little bit more outcome. One extreme example is the amount of work Olympic athletes need to invest to improve by small fractions, in time or the execution of a routine.

The new era is the era of much in little; the era of subtlety, of investing not in exhausting routines and processes that yield a little more in a material context, but in small changes and adjustments that make a big difference in an energetic context. To make this tangible consider qualities. Such as developing wisdom, patience, persistence, listening, finesse, perception capacity, sensitivity, care…

What was your last experience like in being exposed to someone who really listens, in some context? When we really listen, we appear to be doing nothing, and yet, genuine listening opens the gates to depths of engagement that are a rarity in an impatient world.

We are in transition

So, yes, we are in transition between two eras, where developing self-awareness serves as our guide. Where is it going? What about the trends of increasing volatility and extremism? How bad will it get? What is the outlook for a super energetically intoxicated world? How is it affecting the natural worlds? What trends are we observing in the context of human development and the expansion of the human’s creative capacity? Will there be an energetic tipping point, somewhere in the future, where the 21st century will no longer be able to continue with its self-serving behavior due to a wholesale collapse of the electrical grids, and at a human level, exponential increase in mass confusion?

If you are experiencing dislike and uncomfortability regarding these questions, can you say what in you is producing these feelings?

We are journeying into a looming unknown, where tomorrow is not a linear follow-on of yesterday, with the need to be ready and prepared for an energetic reality that cannot be approached with an intellectual mindset, no matter how intellectually brilliant it may be. It needs to be lived, felt, and experienced.

There are no answers, only questions, highlighting the importance of being in tune with this increasing energetic flow. The good news is that being human, we are made to expand our limitless natural capacity to process and handle this looming reality.

It is a question of self-management

Are you experiencing an inner nudge to get to know yourself a little better, to break through whatever is holding you back from exercising a greater scope of your natural potential? To get in touch in deeper, more fulfilling ways with your natural inclination, and do more of what you naturally love doing? To be more self-sufficient, both mentally and in the material realms?

At the higher end, the emerging new era is empowering the human into new forms of self-liberation and self-discovery, writing a whole new chapter in what it may mean to be human. Once more, because this is so core to what is happening, there is no middleman/woman in this process. Just me and you and what we believe in, as we journey into a universe of possibilities to develop new skills and capacities.

Imagine a bank account that can handle no more than a fixed amount of money, where the moment it gets more than it can handle it wastefully spends it on senseless ventures. This is the case with fixing views and psychologies in the energetic realms.

We cannot control what is happening, but we certainly can manage ourselves inside of it, to our greatest benefit, and the benefit of those yet to come.


Here is a wonderful anecdotal bit of inspiration for how the change is happening from ‘below’:

With best wishes,


World Copyright©David Gommé 2024

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