Being human, we are naturally coded to be perceptive, sensitive, kind, to feel pain at many levels, to love, to care, to search for meanings, to be curious, to be weak, to be strong, to develop, to grow, to evolve… we are coded to sense, detect, experience, work things out, keep trying, persist, insist, resist, create, discover… and so much more.
We are gifted with the ability to make wise choices every step of the way, to choose what we say yes and no to, and what we want to be and do in and with the life we were gifted.
So why is there so much evil present throughout history? If by design the human is coded to live a constructive existence, why has humanity been leaving a trail unspeakable cruelty, chaos, and destruction?
Within the universe’s vast spectrum of forces, only a small segment naturally belongs with human process. The rest belongs to other processes. Consider the saying ‘a heart of stone’ as against ‘a heart of gold.’ When a human processes a force that belong to the sterile dimensions – that ought to be barred access to human process – one of the outcomes is a ‘heart of stone’. While the higher meaning of gold connects to forces that make it possible for humans to be a resilient home for special values and sentiments. Another example is when humans demonstrate ‘beastly behaviour’, they process and become possessed by forces that ought to stay where they belong – in the animal kingdom.
When humans abdicate from the natural connection to the spiritual dimensions of living, they lose touch with the instincts and higher feeling consciousness that belong with being human.
When we give ourselves the space to truly care about what is important; when we take a sidestep to reconsider what we want to be in this life; when we ask questions such as: Why is the human on Earth? What is the purpose of living? We create in ourselves spaces that attract forces and intelligences that live in the unseen realms that watch over and accompany the human arising in its universal context.
There are countless ways to feel, sense and experience the great range of illuminating powers that occupy the domains of the human opportunity. Healing forces; maintaining powers; guiding intelligences; energizing forces; teaching intelligences; empowering forces… to mention a few… World history is imbued with stories, folklore, and experiences that are anecdotal to this constantly evolving reality.
If not for the presence of these forces and intelligences, humanity would not be able to come to existence, sustain, and continue to evolve.
Many of us want to change the world. The question in the air is whether it may not be better to find ways to create access opportunities for the powers that can change the world. Is it not arrogant to think that any of us has the answer for what needs to happen, while in the struggle of comprehending and managing ourselves inside of the unknown of an accelerating radical change?
You may not be paid for this – there is no job description in the 21st century requiring an applicant to simply be human and fully engage in developing natural human skills and capabilities. But nothing stops us from tasking ourselves to engage in fulness in the thrilling journey of self-realisation.
The 21st century does not make it easy for a human to properly develop beyond its identity-fixing, time and energy consuming requirements upon us. A big part of the journey of development is to set ourselves free from the clutches of mass ignorance about the purposes of living. This is no easy feat for any of us, but it can be done, especially if one is fortunate to come across an inter-supporting scenario where people engage together in the journey of purpose discovery.
The world employs head-hunters for attracting the best talent to tempting job offers. The universe looks for seeking humans, the reward being hopeful inclusion in the realms of no beginning and no end. This is a matter of human choice.
With best wishes,
World Copyright©David Gommé 2024