Let’s take a moment to consider the volume of talk, massive investments and development of various technologies to create ‘CO2 neutral’ scenarios. And yet, being in love with its deeply printed comfort zones, the world is doing its utmost to ignore the most important change needed for a real change: An attitude transformation.
The human-unseen worlds connection
Before stepping into the ‘attitude universe’, let’s briefly broach the unseen worlds dimensions of human process. Prodding this vast, vast territory constitutes the backbone engagement of the Fulcrum Insights. The body and the aura (the radiation surrounding the body); planet Earth and the Van-Allen belts; the universe and ‘dark matter plasma’; the worlds of angelic powers; the countless expressions of electro-magnetism, from the cellular to the inter-galactic; guiding intelligences; healing powers; divine powers; guardian powers; plasma states; what cathedrals are for in the first place; what pyramids are for… and this is just scraping the surface… It’s just the second paragraph, and it seems like beyond throwing the kitchen sink into the pot of considerations… There is a reason for this – read on to find out.
We are not alone
The human is not alone. We are part of an inter-connected, universal web of higher dimensions hosting a wide spectrum of unseen entities and forces, without which life on Earth would not have been able to appear and persist. The stories of the many kinds of encounters and states of union between the human and the unseen worlds are embedded in folklore throughout the ages, in tribal ceremonies, in seemingly incidental events that keep happening to many of us in all manner of contexts… Science proceeds in denial of these realities, mainly because it does not consider the journey of personal development to be essential to the truth discovery process, having abandoned the natural abilities of the human design to connect to and perceive that which cannot be come to using modern technologies, which may be impressive from material worlds perspectives, but woefully insufficient when seeking to perceive and understand the workings of the greater truths that govern the human opportunity.
The human is a spiritual being
The human is a spiritual being – we are created to connect to and process forces of a vast range of denominations. When we focus and concentrate, with intent and constructive intentions, it resonates in the unseen worlds. The universe is intently listening and responding to the vibes of human process. Being blind to the fact of the human-unseen worlds connection, the world takes credit for what has become possible by and because of moments of union between the human and the greater causes. And yet, being an evolutionary building site, what has so far appeared in the context of unlocking the human possibility is just the tip of the iceberg of what is yet to come.
If we let it.
What is attitude made of?
Which is where attitude enters the scene, as a quality living at the heart of human process, the presence of which broadcasts where we come from in the seeking for a better tomorrow.
Not taking things for granted; radiating gratitude; living what we believe in; being content with less rather than more; the way of much in little; being open to new ways of thinking about life and existence; taking charge of our lives; self-responsibility; a living humility in the face of the magnitude of the human experience; an unwavering insistence on championing the constructive principle and being a constructive individual; being careful about producing intellectual assumptions…
Perhaps above and beyond all, an inviting attitude of creating clean spaces for the unseen worlds to shine through human process and play their absolutely vital part in flooding the world with the powers of change as meant to be.
What does ‘as meant to be’ look like? Well, this is something for us to find out through the generation of processes that create space for the organic unfolding of the future – because we have never been here before.
Evolution in progress means that developmentally, every next moment is new or can be. Every day is new, or can be, rather than being repeating replicas of the ways and attitudes of our yesterdays.
Too much?
Is this coming across as way ‘over the top’, too concentrated, too much to chew on?
It is indeed super-concentrated. However, what does your instinct say about this? What does your semi-conscious say about this? Because there is a very great deal of mental milage to be made by simply being open to the fact that the world is in desperate need for new ways forward, and this Fulcrum Insight aims to touch upon – scrape the surface of – some of the core elements that are involved in this process.
Attitude magic
The human is a natural born miracle generator. But only when, through depth of belief, we create the space for divine intervention. This is not mysticism, but part of the norm for life as meant to be. And the only way to path-find ways forward to a bright future for all. And yes, this opens thrilling new worlds of exploration and discovery.
We live in times calling for no holding back bold conversations between those who care.
With best wishes,
World Copyright©David Gommé 2025