Three Kinds of Human Process

Being human, we are always in process. Not just in one, but a whole spectrum of interconnected processes that live inside of a greater process – that of the planet and the natural worlds – that in turn, exists and functions inside of a universal process, existing inside of a Creational process… From the cellular to the universal, the fact of being in process is a symptom of the fact of living and functioning.

Processes exists inside of a gradient – from the robotic to the conscious self-determined. The nature of a process is identified by the nature of the electro-magnetism that it generates, caused by a compound set of factors that blend, mix, and merge to give birth to a huge range of dynamics, such as thinking, learning, going shopping, engaging in a conversation, work, preparing dinner, sleep, exercising, innovating, creating, having fun, travelling…

Living is a process, leading to a process, leading to a process… Each with its own qualities, balances, and harmonies. The question being: Do they all add to, compound and enhance a state of inner harmony and well-being? Or are there processes that take away, a lot or just a little?

Determined by a person’s nature of pursuit, a human can be in a process characterised by a chord of integrating harmony, in a way that creates the conditions and space for the flow of brilliance from the heart of Creation to the heart of human process.

Let us get into a helicopter view of three kinds of human process:

1. Metastasis

2. Upkeep

3. Evolutionary

1. Metastasis

Note: In this context, ‘metastasis’ as of ravenous malignant processes created by humanity’s abdication from the natural response to the gift of life and existence.

World history is laced with the metastasis of human ignorance; the metastasis of human greed; the metastasis of human insanity…  The metastasis of a way of thinking that no matter what, will not give up the fusion mentality until firmly forced to. (Fusion in the context of burning, destruction, pollution). So, think the metastasis of violence and power grabs as the default for handling differences; the metastasis of linear thinking regarding human evolution as against the wisdom of the non-linear approach; the metastasis of enslaving humanity to political agendas and degenerate belief systems; the metastasis of viral infections due to the metastasis of human degeneration; the emotional metastasis leading to out of control population explosion… leaving ample space for you to add to this from your perspective.

Arguably, much of the 21st century’s ways of thinking, behaviour, and action is a product of being in unchecked metastasis, a dead-end road leading to a massive dump yard of wasted opportunities to engage in universally constructive ways of living and creating.

And the thing is that everything is now accelerating, including the rate of metastasis… Metastasis is a process with its own kind of evolution.

What kind of self-awareness and self-surveillance does this call for?

2. Upkeep

We spend much of our life in the upkeep zone: Earning a living, eating, shopping, travelling, maintenance, hobbies, chilling out, chatting, health and well-being, sleeping, resting… Again, leaving ample space for you to add from your perspective.

Note that Upkeep is stuck between the metastasis and the evolutionary… The question being: what is it designed to support, which one of the two? Humanity is at a crossroads, which is it to be?

What kind of self-awareness does this call for?

3. Evolutionary

There is no doubt that the human race is evolving. The point for us to be mindful of is that human evolution is not a linear progression from yesterday to today, but a non-linear, uplifting impulse arriving from elsewhere, whose enormous significance the 21st century is not aligned to perceive, comprehend, and act upon.

We live in the accelerating flow of this event in progress, imbuing all and everything with fresh energies, the potency of which is increasing in small measures, moment by moment. We only need to look at the world today with an impartial pair of eyes and an open mind to witness the multitude of symptoms of what is happening – especially in the non-linear context: Volatility, animosity, and sudden outbursts on the one hand; rapid elevation and progress in the human capacity and capability to perceive, think, and create, on the other.

What each one of us wants, how we want to position ourselves inside of this complex weave of dynamics, is a matter of human choice. Some of us are more fortunate than others in the choices we are able to make, and perhaps those who can and do, also generate a signal of hope for those that may not be able to, outwardly so.

How are we to arrange ourselves to benefit from this incredible opportunity to develop, grow, and evolve?

The gift of choice is always at our fingertips

With best wishes,


World Copyright©David Gommé 2025

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