To access this condensed Fulcrum Insight exploration, consider two scenarios:
1. That of the successful
The successful entrepreneur, surfing the waves of success already from a young age. First in class, the eternal captain of whichever team she or he may have been a part of. Completed their university degree Suma cum laude. Imaginative, creative, popular with some, not so much with others. Heading their third profitable start-up…
2. That of the struggling
Not quite finding their place in, well, much of what the 21st century throws at them. A bit of an oddball. An eternal searcher for deeper meanings. Not particularly successful in what they do to earn a living…
Here comes a crunch point: Who is the better human being, the first or the second? Who is the more decent? The more honest and truthful? The kinder? The more perceptive in the bigger context of living? The more caring?
The simple answer is that we simply do not know. Because as we know, being successful according to a 21st century evaluation all too often says little about the deeper aspects of a person’s character and qualities as a human.
The two occupy diametrically opposed ends of a bar, with a vast range of mixtures in between – as many as there are humans alive. Where would you place yourself in this complex spectrum of outplays?
Each in their own birdcage – small or large, but nevertheless a birdcage.
‘Birdcage’ implies ‘not entirely free’ – because one is in a cage. Even if a huge one.
What constitutes a birdcage in this context? Why would a phenomenally successful person be deemed to be in a birdcage?
To answer this, let us title possible birdcages: The birdcage of perception; the birdcage of self-awareness; the birdcage of higher consciousness; the birdcage of sensitivity; the birdcage of self-view; the birdcage of being governed by a role… The birdcage of the balance of all combined… and so much more…
Where the greatest determiner of the size of one’s birdcage is: What do I want? – What do I want to be like in the human context? What do I want to accomplish in the human context? What do I want to get to perceive and understand in this life?
‘Success’ can be one kind of prison; ‘failure’, another kind. The thing is that the doors of all those birdcages are wide-open. One can simply ‘fly’ out at any point in time, either into a bigger birdcage, or into the open space of the great unknown, where nothing is written, and all and everything that has not yet happened is possible.
And where the time slot that we are fortunate to be in, within the timeless eternal flow of evolutionary continuum, propositions us with unprecedented freedoms to explore what it means to be a human being. Not according to what the 21st century accepts, but according to what the universe allows and empowers.
Take a sidestep. Listen more deeply. Pay attention to nuances of speech and behaviour. Sense what is in the air. Feel the energetic flow through your being. Take a deep breath. Slow down a little. Tell the story of something special or different that happened to you today. Ask an impossible question and let it ferment in your mind for a while…
Let us set ourselves free from the stranglehold of our yesterdays, to experience the freedom of our tomorrows, today.
With best wishes,
World Copyright©David Gommé 2025