Personal Development – Or the Lack Of – In the White House

Some of you may have watched the farcical display of ignorance at the White House during the Ukrainian episode, reflecting the depth of disconnection of those present from the truly important issues hanging over humanity at this time. Let’s embark on a little journey, to gain a bit of insight into what was witnessed, and what is continuing to evolve on the world stage in this context, by drawing into the Fulcrum spotlight the role of roles in human affairs.

The role of roles

The human is an open-ended evolutionary building sight. We are not fixed to any one mode or role. We have been gifted with the power of making choices and in essence can be anything that we want to be. One of the prime expressions of this unlimited capacity is the fluid ability to step in and out of roles.

Did you ever have a go at writing down a list of the various roles present in your life? Such as parent, manager, leader, friend, lover, fixer, artist, dancer, trainer, creator… the bigger picture range is quite incredible when adding into the pot the unique skill sets that belong with each of these roles.

When we enact a role – another term for ‘role’ is ‘mode of expression’- we celebrate the natural genius versatility of humans to be whatever a situation needs us to be. But what happens when the natural human versatility is lost to those that abdicate from the path of being human as a first principle, to being something else as a first principle? To answer this question, we need to touch upon the territory of core and expression.

Core and expression

Every human being is born with a spiritual core, which is the very essence that makes human beings what they are – human. The nature of consciousness that belongs with the spiritual core sits high on the consciousness gradient, making it possible for us to engage in refined processes and high pursuits.

The higher consciousness resides in the higher realms of the human possibility, able to give birth, in minute ways, to God-like creativity. This includes the ability to give rise to the essence of a role, such as being a truly caring parent. The closer we are to the core, the richer the inner and outer theatres, the greater the range of what we are able to be.

The 360 degrees view

Being close to the core is a bit like being on a mountain summit, observing a glorious all-round view. In human development terms, an intuitive ‘everything is possible’ feeling-perception.

From being ‘in the zone’- close to the core of oneself – we can step in and out of any role according to need. However, the greater the distance and state of disconnect from the core, the more segmented and confined the perception and self-awareness, moving from multiplicity to singularity, from the inner fluency and flow of the natural human versatility to a state of repeating monotone.

The role possession

This brings us to the issue at hand. Side-stepping the ever-present ‘who is right and who is wrong’ sinkhole, ‘who is the good guy and who is the bad guy’ morality, what we were witnessing in the White-House scene, and ongoingly on much of the world stage, is the story of figureheads arrested in singular roles, possessed by forces the true nature of which they seem to be unaware of, whatever their self-view happens to be, unable to be anything else while under its dominating influence.

If a role is not joined to the core – and in turn, what the core is joined to in the higher realms of the human possibility – it is joined to something else. This can be anything – from the sinister to the decent. Because a human can connect to a vast spectrum of forces and frequencies, at many levels.

Personal Development

Once more, side-stepping the who is right and who is wrong morality – and we all have plenty of that living in us – what we are observing on the world stage is a case of personal development deficiency, preventing people from dealing with one another as human beings first and whatever else second rather than the other way around.

To be clear, they all have living in them the specialist kind of personal development that belongs to the role they occupy. Some, to astounding degrees. But seemingly not much that belongs with the journey of drawing close to the core and meaning of the human opportunity and what it is joined to in Creation.

Roles have wavelengths

“Birds of a feather flock together” – roles go with roles, associate with roles… Power-merchants associate with power-merchants; parents associate with parents; scientists with scientists; those who truly care with those who truly care…

When two connected individuals meet – connected in the context of core and expression – the higher flow that they are both processing allows a good measure of agreeing to disagree in good spirit, while searching together for ways forward, because they would not abdicate from the human common denominator.

When two disconnected individuals – teams, forums – meet, the more they are trapped and fixed in singular roles that fall prey to forces that are alien to the core essence of humanity, they deepen the heat-generating rift, and subsequent inter-personal hostility.

Many decent, well-meaning individuals are disconnected due to the circumstance they are in. So again, side-stepping the who is right, who is wrong trap, let’s at this point keep to the impartial observation of what is in play.

 What can I do about this?

How do we deal with witnessing and feeling the waves of insanity, getting more extreme every day that passes? We make sure that we offer the world and those around us the human touch. Expanding one’s spheres of influence in and around oneself. The human is a universe – when we take charge of ourselves, we make this possible for many others who may be struggling to free themselves from the suffocating grip of ignorance, take charge of their own lives, and lead themselves to the ‘everything is possible’ realms, the high grounds of the human possibility.

To be clear, my heart went out to the plight of the Ukranien guy. But this Fulcrum Insight has to take on an impartial stance in the process of seeking to perceive and understand the many overlays and drivers of what is happening, touching upon a specific perspective on this occasion.

With best wishes,


World Copyright©David Gommé 2025

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