

David is an independent consultant, based in Germany, operating globally. He works with individuals, leadership teams and inter-disciplinary forums seeking to generate meaningful breakthroughs in creativity, innovation and new behavioural sciences. David’s approach, passion, and life’s research lives in the causing realms and non-linear dimensions of the human potentiality – and the unprecedented window of opportunity to develop, grow and evolve.

Am I a Natural Born Leader?

Am I a Natural born Leader?

By birth-right potential, every human being is a natural born leader – of oneself. You and I are born to lead ourselves and leading ourselves is where the living essence of leadership becomes intimately relevant to each one of us.

The Rise of Decency

Decency: “Behaviour that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability”. Example: When making a promise or agreement that one is not able to fulfil; to have the decency to let the other party know without delay. Every day we…

The Cradle of Self-Leadership

The best way to approach the subject of self-leadership is through personal experience that we can relate to. STANDING YOUR GROUND Remember the last time you stood your ground? Where by your grit, wit and intelligence, you managed to advance…


THE SHIFTING POWERS OF YES AND NO Language is a gift – imagine life without it. It is the enabler of intelligence and comprehension, and the intricate nuances of how tribes and cultures communicate. A person’s quality of engagement is…